Saturday, 8 September 2012

What is the concentration of Bi3+ in a saturated solution containing .01M S2-? Ksp bismuth sulfide=10^-70?

Ksp = [Bi3+]^2 [S2-]^3 ... I am wondering why do we need the Ksp if we know the ratio of Bi ions to S ions is 2:3... maybe I am misunderstanding this question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Bi2S3 <========> 2Bi3+ + 3S2-

Ksp = [Bi3+]^2 [S2-]^3

Substitute the value of Ksp = 1 x 10^-70
................................[S2-] = 0.01
.{ assume that the conc. of Bi3+ that originate from the dissociation of Bi2S3 is negligible}

1 x 10^-70 = [Bi3+]^2 (0.01)^3

[Bi3+] = 1 x 10^-32

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